Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Day 65

So, since buying the cut of lino to put as the base of Lola's run, she's discovered that its now easy for her to rearrange the cage :S poking her little nose through the bars and pulling the whole frame towards her. Oh dear! Also, she's making good use of the towels by chewing them to pieces - good job they were old ones from Primark aye! 

I've also been letting her roam free (to some extent) when i'm at home - as i feel awful leaving her alone alot of the time. She's been very active tonight - and also very cheeky: 

She seems to enjoy sneaking underneath my bed :P 


Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Day 59

Wow - long time, no post!

Well, Christmas bought lots of awesome presents for both myself and Lola :)
We went to stay with my parents for a few days over christmas and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves - Lola loved the attention she got from Mojo, and chasing each other around the house.

Back at home now, and it's a new year. Time for a change.

Firstly, I bought a cheap off-cut of lino and laid that down with a few towels on top as a new base for her run.
She doesn't seem too bothered by it - and i much prefer it as i don't have to worry about her getting to the carpet and chewing it to pieces whilst i'm not watching! 

In other news, i scavenged a load of boxes from a recent delivery at work and constructed a mini house/warren for Lola - but she didn't seem too impressed with it (refusing to go in / stay in), i think it's pretty impressive though ..

Better luck next time! x