Saturday, July 14, 2012

Day 249


Just a little update with some cute piccies of my baby :)

She's been spending a lot more time free roam in a bunny-proofed living room. She loves it when i make a tent for her simply out of a blanket draped from either her cage or the sofa :) She's also sort of taken one of my blankets as her own - scenting it, digging at it, chewing it... oh well!

Lola and her best friend Mojo (mum's dog)

Playing hide and seek with Mojo in the garden 

In her tent with her parsley 

"my blanket now"

Just chilling > <

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Day 229

Just a quickie ;-)

I've been growing some lettuce (can't remember what variety it's meant to be) and decided to let Lola have a taste. She seems to quite like it - spending the afternoon charging round the flat but keeps going back to have a munch! 

I'm going to try to grow a few different things for her - maybe some herbs, and dandelions? might just try a tray of plain grass as well :-) 


Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Day 211


Many days since my last post.

Over the last few days I've desperately been trying to cut Lola's nails - something which hasn't been done since christmas time (oops). I wanted to learn how to do it on my own, without relying on someone else to hold onto her tightly. So after trying different techniques (bunny burito, baby on shoulder) I finally managed to do her front nails just by having her sit next to me on the sofa, and me keeping her calm by stroking her. Apparently lots of attention is all it takes with this rabbit! However, she kept tucking her back legs underneath her to stop me from getting at them.

Tonight I succeeded! But only after an armful of scratches and one slightly soggy bunny. Now I know some people will tell me that putting a rabbit in a bath - no matter how much water is in it - is a seriously bad idea, and one that isn't recommended. However, tonight I went against this and thought I'd give it a go.

So the tiniest amount of lukewarm water in the bottom of the bath, I grabbed Lola (using a towel to keep her from kicking out at me) and transported her to the bathroom. I let her get used to the room for a few minutes, then gently picked her up and placed her in the bath. At first she just sat there and I tried to quickly but calmly bathe her. Then she started trying to scramble away - not being very successful! Needless to say - she is now clean :)

In addition to the bath, when taking her out and placing her in the towel to dry her, I managed to do a mini bunny burito and flip her onto her back. In this position I finally managed to snip her nails down. She was so well behaved :)

Now my bunny is all clean and trimmed. xx

Monday, April 30, 2012

Day 174

Just a quick little update and some cute pictures :)

Lola watching "Burlesque" with me the other night 

Lola got a bit excited at fresh straw and went digging! 

Monday, March 12, 2012

Day 127

Yay - new flat!

So we have a lovely big open-plan living room/kitchen/dinner.. which is also Lola's new home

apologies for the poor picture quality, but you can see on the left hand side is where her cage and x-pen set up is.

She's absolutely loving charging around this flat - we try to let her have free roam most evenings when we are home.

Tonight, however, she has discovered she can  jump up onto the sofa next to me and get attention when i'm busy trying to do uni work!

...And whilst i'm writing this post, she has also discovered getting underneath the sofa, so i've had to improvise with some cardboard and attempt to block her from getting under there - as i know how cheeky she can be regarding carpet and furniture chewing!

Hopefully i will get some better pictures of both the new place and of Lola exploring :) x

Monday, February 20, 2012

Day 106

Wow, time sure is flying by!

So this time next week we will be in a new flat :) exciting times! Moving in this weekend, and i'm sure Lola will love exploring her new house.

For the time being, when I'm at home in the evenings I've been allowing Lola free roam of most of the flat. However, tonight, she doesn't seem to want to leave her bed! Lazy rabbit :-P

More updates after the move :)

Monday, February 6, 2012

Day 92

So yesterday and today Lola has spent quite a lot of time having free roam in the flat - I built her a little ramp so she can jump up onto my bed to see what i'm upto (boring uni work) - she's spent a lot of time this evening going up and down it, climbing all over me and the laptop; not to mention trying to eat my work :S

I also read on the Binky Bunny forum that rabbits much prefer drinking water from bowls rather than bottles, so i put one down for her:
She seems to enjoy drinking from the bowl, however, i did wake up this morning to half of it being all over the floor - good job there's lino and towels down! 

The bottle will stay as well, and i may have to take the bowl out at night for fear of flooding    :-P 

Another cute piccy to enjoy :-) 

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Day 88

Gosh, how time is flying by!
It only seems like yesterday I was moving into my little flat, and going to pick up my baby :)
She's definitely most at home here

I only hope she won't be too disturbed when we move house in a few weeks time. Although it will be a much bigger place, with more space for Lola to explore. 

I must also find some way of creating a 'burrow' for her, as she seems to like burrowing in her bedding 


Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Day 65

So, since buying the cut of lino to put as the base of Lola's run, she's discovered that its now easy for her to rearrange the cage :S poking her little nose through the bars and pulling the whole frame towards her. Oh dear! Also, she's making good use of the towels by chewing them to pieces - good job they were old ones from Primark aye! 

I've also been letting her roam free (to some extent) when i'm at home - as i feel awful leaving her alone alot of the time. She's been very active tonight - and also very cheeky: 

She seems to enjoy sneaking underneath my bed :P 


Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Day 59

Wow - long time, no post!

Well, Christmas bought lots of awesome presents for both myself and Lola :)
We went to stay with my parents for a few days over christmas and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves - Lola loved the attention she got from Mojo, and chasing each other around the house.

Back at home now, and it's a new year. Time for a change.

Firstly, I bought a cheap off-cut of lino and laid that down with a few towels on top as a new base for her run.
She doesn't seem too bothered by it - and i much prefer it as i don't have to worry about her getting to the carpet and chewing it to pieces whilst i'm not watching! 

In other news, i scavenged a load of boxes from a recent delivery at work and constructed a mini house/warren for Lola - but she didn't seem too impressed with it (refusing to go in / stay in), i think it's pretty impressive though ..

Better luck next time! x