Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Day 211


Many days since my last post.

Over the last few days I've desperately been trying to cut Lola's nails - something which hasn't been done since christmas time (oops). I wanted to learn how to do it on my own, without relying on someone else to hold onto her tightly. So after trying different techniques (bunny burito, baby on shoulder) I finally managed to do her front nails just by having her sit next to me on the sofa, and me keeping her calm by stroking her. Apparently lots of attention is all it takes with this rabbit! However, she kept tucking her back legs underneath her to stop me from getting at them.

Tonight I succeeded! But only after an armful of scratches and one slightly soggy bunny. Now I know some people will tell me that putting a rabbit in a bath - no matter how much water is in it - is a seriously bad idea, and one that isn't recommended. However, tonight I went against this and thought I'd give it a go.

So the tiniest amount of lukewarm water in the bottom of the bath, I grabbed Lola (using a towel to keep her from kicking out at me) and transported her to the bathroom. I let her get used to the room for a few minutes, then gently picked her up and placed her in the bath. At first she just sat there and I tried to quickly but calmly bathe her. Then she started trying to scramble away - not being very successful! Needless to say - she is now clean :)

In addition to the bath, when taking her out and placing her in the towel to dry her, I managed to do a mini bunny burito and flip her onto her back. In this position I finally managed to snip her nails down. She was so well behaved :)

Now my bunny is all clean and trimmed. xx

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